Monday, May 8, 2017


Education is a big word. It is not just the process of teaching or learning in a school or college.It has got the most expansive descriptions. If one prepares to pursue a clear light in one’s life, there is no external pathway than to getting into devoted to education. Education mends our natural thought into a reasonable one with a concrete description that helps you justify the stand. It is an awakening factor that builds us up in the schools. So, most probably we rely onto school to educate us. Upon admitted in the school, we become the devotees of the subject ‘education’.
School is a setting that acts as the branch of education. It is the primary form of setting that we live to gear ourselves up to be an educated icon. This is where we begin to live aside our own home. This is where we make ourselves devotional to the subject, teachers and the system.
Bhutan though seems small in its area of boundary; it has taken a very immense initiative in trusting the fate of education. The government of Bhutan has always parted a bigger share of its budget in emphasizing the importance of education in the country. The government has done its part. What follows next after the budgets are allocated? The talk is not all about the monetary value. Of course, the resources that would be delivered to the various sectors and schools under MoE will depend on the financial amount that ministry have in hand but equally there are various other factors that cause to either improve or cause to the improvement of education system. In a way, it is always expected to be viewed from a broader perspective for the betterment of further consultation and understanding of education system in the nation.
Therefore, the piece that I make out to reflect is not a research but it is the authors’ direct perspective that is being understood. The reflection has included the opinions of parent in the rural areas, direct opinions of school children’s and few teachers in the field and the people representatives of villages and gewogs.
Student and Teacher Relationship in learning
One of the most important attribute in the education system is the teacher andthe student in the school. They are the main focus of several eyes. They are the direct attribute that counts the success or either the failure of education system. When there is a highlight of problem in education system, a prominent subject that is always being fired on is the ‘Quality of Education.’ And the ground of failure falls on the student and the teacher.  Reportedly the problem is always justified as lack of teachers in the country, weakness of strategies implemented while teaching and there are numerous justifications reasoned out. Yes! It is true and the teachers should accept the failure as they play a majority of role in empowering the system. A positive teacher appreciates it as the feedback.
Many teachers react when their hard-works are not acknowledged. When they are put in as a reason to the failure in fulfilling the educational goals, they get de-motivated. Is it correct to feel this way? A teacher, individually should question themselves that did they really do justice to their service? Basically, there are numerous teachers in our country. Each individual has their own tactics of implementing strategies on learners while learning and they differs. Following that when the government judges their service, it is impossible to recognize a big group into different stands individually (good, best, average). They describe in a big group. Some could be appreciated but there could also be some who takes the role easily and those could be a reason that has brought down the percentage of performance in education.In this time, those faithful teachers should take their own appreciation and it should be those who are not, should feel their reward even if it’s bitter. This is when a sense of individual responsibility of a teacher should strike in their own thoughts.
It is a small thing in a class. The kind of relationship between a teacher and a student shall have an immense impact in the Childs learning. Initially during the traditional days, teachers were the fear factors that helped learners learn the concept. The practices were mostly through memorizations and students were brought up in a teacher centered learning strategy. The lessons were all taught in lecture method where the students were completely an asset who sat passively in the classes. These developed a relationship where the opportunities of learning were strictly in the hand of a teacher. The scenarios in those times in a classroom were very scary. The students were not able to voice out the thoughts they had on the concept. They were robotic in nature responding to the remote control that was their teacher.  In continuation to it, we also can describe few things on corporal punishments that reserved the classes in those times. It was very likely that a teacher shall have always the sticks in their hand to let the learners learn as well as to tame the behaviors of the students. Do you think it helped in learning? How would have been the relationship of a student and a teacher in that case? Would have they been emotionally attached? It is difficult to answer but seen from this perspective, the kind of relationship that were born during those times in the class were very dominant from the teachers. There was no parallel segment in their learning where a teacher and students moved together learning. Though they reaped a benefit in acquiring success in the students result, it would not have been a long termed learning. Today, though the system rules out to withdraw the corporal nature in learning, the system compromises a constructivist form of learning as a beneficial strategy of letting students learn from both teachers point of view as well as learners point of view.
With these reason, our country have two colleges of education who missions upto generating a teacher who understands the nature of the students. The courses related to constructivist ways of teaching and learning are made available. They are also being offered with the course to make them understand the child play, understand the psychology and varieties of trainings are provided to let the new teachers practice in their classes in the coming times.

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