Sunday, November 23, 2014

edited version of my poem about my marriage

The family

If family is a group of beautiful people
My parents and siblings stand as example.
For their love and care shown sincerely
Delighted I stand and contended finally.

When you boast of your gorgeous son
My heart aches for the similar fun.
Brand me for a step father or brother
I am indeed my son's Godfather.

If you ask if I am married
Yes I say for the son to be carried
If with doubt you seek for the father
Call my name and avoid bothering.

11th Novemvber 2014 celebration

I as GNH ambassador from Lhuentse, Kurtoe, and Dungkar would like to report this for my colleague information please.

Reports on 11th November, 2014.
The 11th November every year is observed as birth anniversary of our jewel the 4th king. This year, the day was very paramount for all the people of the nation to come together and pay tribute to his Majesty the king for his various services for the country. More over with starts of 60 years old for our epitome the king, it has been very important to celebrate the day very delicately. On this particular day and date, Dungkar Primary School has successfully observed the day unanimously with various activities related to the above theme, under the financial support granted by Dzongkhag Education office. Firstly we had prayer, wishes, and long life and prosperity prayers for our loving and caring benevolence king, then we had lighting of butter lamp session with the coordination of Naktsang Lam of Naktshang ,the then the place very sacred and known for Wang chuck heritage which soon will turn to museum .
So the participants and the audience during the celebration include all the staff of the geog the public and students and teachers of the two ECR. The day went very well with the speeches and dances performed by students, staff and also the public from the gewog.

Long live our beloved king

Friday, November 21, 2014

Championing the central school initiative

Championing the central school initiative

Education sector comes under scrutiny

Education sector comes under scrutiny

GNH Films Production ( Bhutan) written by Damchoe Gyeltshen

A man who can never stay away from his bag
According to scientists, the bumblebee's body is too heavy and its wing span too small. Aerodynamically, the bumblebee cannot fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know that and it keeps flying.
When you don't know your limitations, you go out and surprise yourself. In hindsight, you wonder if you had any limitations. The only limitations a person has are those that are self-imposed. Don't let education put limitations on you. Mr Norbu, famously known as headmaster is such a person, who never backs down for to have limit, he resumes the sky as the limit.
We would like to wish him a good luck in his life ahead.
Note# he is currently a teacher at Dungkar Pry school in Lhuentse.

i would like to continue my ray hope  for zenith and hope i will complete my master soon which i have to complete sooner or later friends. when it comes to my bag,it is my wisdom bay and i still have it  with me and i carry my TLM and lesson plan inside it friends.Remember how teacher are prepared is judge by the things you carry with you at the end.

Life and worry

 Helo everyone,
while,its part of our life to enjoy and i now sense the meaning for some of our friends being silent,some called me last time to help them finding baby sitter, i said why they are not taking me as their servant so that i can take the place,that is a biggest mockery from me actually but to have child,need to settle our self and need to look from different angles,haves and have not, positive and negative,pros and cons need to look for. if not we wont be able to give justice to our profession,colleagues,staff, and to students if we are teachers and finally to our own sibling which i consider it as a great crime. brother,we need to look everything before we get marry and after that we need to look who will; look after baby and even the date of birth of child need to be coincidence with the school timing of our education systems,if not our child will be late for the school.
so don't worry about others and never get yourself derived by other mind,you are what you and  i am what i am,so meaning that we are different. i feel funny when other people talk about me and most of
the time we get tense and anxious because we are worrying about others and we never think about our self.

what so ever see you soon and i am always happy with myself and i am happy alone always la.

cool Norbu

so i got this reply from my only friend and thank you my friend.  That's cool God father, I reply you with a note;
  All our friends are excited to hear the news who is marrying first and who all are with a child already. Some even ask is  your wife pregnant? Lol i  think i didn't come into these life to compete will take its   will on bits time. We just wait and live everyday beautifully. Make it clean   and worth living...close your ears to world ma dea....haha tcre

  Thanking You
Norbu Kezang
  Chiya pry school
i am very happy to have you as my friend dear Norbu kezang

Poem about my marriage

dear all
Life is very enjoying and beautiful if we know how to make our living.
It has been few years that my colleagues and known people asking me
about my family, so yesterday I felt very bore and I contemplate upon
my family life, so I submit that the time has come for my life to be a
father but my mind says that I have to complete one more course of
studies in life, so I finally decided I need to complete my master
fast to get marry. Moreover I thought if I get married soon I will not
be able to justice to my students and I am already blessed with my
students and happy with that hitherto. So I have come up with the
simple pome to clear the mind of those friends who are always
perplexed about my life and marriage. Enjoy reading friends.

Family is a group of related beautiful people
It consists of beloved parents and their children
I do have loving and caring family
Thus I am also elated and contended finally

Some say” are you married?”
I replied” yes I am with kid now”
One says “whose child is with me?”
I said, “He is my only lovely son

My colleague said “I have cute and gorgeous son”
I also wish I have the one in life
Some say I am the step father of child
I say am the God father indeed

Indeed, I have not yet plan of marriage
But I have immaculate plan for my studies in life
To be a biological father is zenith
I need to make everything in place.

Norbu Jamtsho
Dungkar Primary School

critical analysis of Dr.Kezang sharab on his reseach article

Critical analysis
The research was taken up in Paro college of Education by one of the lecturers in his teaching program and it was conducted B. Ed. His name is Kezang Sherab. His research topic or title was Strategies for encouraging behavioral and cognitive engagement of pre-service student-teachers in Bhutan: an action research case study. This study was designed to look at student engagement in relationship to his teaching practices. He particularly wanted to investigate students’ cognitive engagement in the classroom and the second aspect of behavioral engagement (involvement of students in learning and academic tasks) and see whether he could make any improvement. He has pointed out, Research by Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) indicates that there is a positive relationship between student engagement in the classroom and academic he wants to see is this true in the Bhutanese teacher education context? What kinds of strategies do we use and could I use to engage students in learning? Does he promote two-way conversations with my student-teachers? Does he know his student-teachers well and show his care about their learning? These were some of the concerns that inspired this inquiry into his teaching practices.
The researchers has been a teachers and also lecturers for more than decades and he felt that pre-service students teachers of the education college need to grow cognitively and at the same time need to develop good behavioral. Since the growth of the children has directly linked to the teachers.  Since most of the teachers used the teacher centre teaching whereby students are not really learning in the schools. Students are considering as recipient of the knowledge and teachers domination class which it is not really a good teaching method. More over the talk of quality of education being down the line has been a talk for the country, so he felt that we need to nurture and brought up the student teachers of the colleges thus he was conducting research on the same topic.
The researcher’s has beautifully mentioned the background of the country including the location, language, developmental philosophy of the country and also where the action research was taken place. Moreover he has mentioned what is mean by each component of the research and I felt it is very important for new learners about research like his reconnaissance he has described about the situation analysis, he felt as teacher and lectures the teaching learning process is need to change. Where the teaching is teacher dominated and students learns what teachers teach, they does not have room to ask questions say oppose teachers views. If teachers teach wrongly also they will say yes sir and really it was teachers centered and everything is in the hand of the teachers and students just listen to teachers and learn in that ways. The researchers has also covered the literature review part which he kept it as theoretical framework, he at one point presented the students teachers need to grow in different ways. He has mentioned in his literature review the words of “Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) provide a comprehensive discussion of student engagement under three broad components: behavioral engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement.” So he did very well in literature review which is good part for the success of the good research.
Research question
His research question was: ‘How can he improve the behavioral and cognitive engagement of Bachelor of Primary Education pre-service student-teachers in hi curriculum studies classes?’
When it comes to spiral cycle he has creatively planed how to carry out the research. He has chosen a class which he has taught the year before just for his convenient and he felt he will get good and authentic response because they know each other very well.
It was in the year 2008 academic year at the Paro College of Education he has begun by gathering the baseline data, employing a questionnaire specifically designed for this study. The questionnaire sought to understand the trend of student engagement with a focus on behavioral and cognitive engagement in this class commencing in the second week of August 2008. The questionnaire consisted of items based on five study-specific themes identified with the help of the literature:
 Rating statements were followed by four open-ended questions that asked students to discuss in more detail the areas I needed to improve. Altogether 25 student-teachers out of 29 in the class responded (11 male and 11 female, with three participants not identifying their gender). The questionnaire was piloted with another group to whom he taught the same module before collecting the baseline data. He has maintained detailed diaries of observations regarding his teaching reflection and analyzed the baseline data that provided insights into the existing situation reinforcing his concerns. After having carefully analyzed the situation, he designed plans for improvement
By the second week of September, he has implemented alternative strategies for behavioral and cognitive engagement until the beginning of November. The impacts of these alternative strategies were monitored through lesson observations and interviews by the critical friend. He has used of the colleagues who has sound knowledge of the action research as his critical friend who has observed the lessons and provided critical comments based on the observation form specifically designed for this study. He has also maintained a research diary to record his observations and thoughts for the entire research duration. Towards mid-November 2008, he has gathered intervention data using the same questionnaire (only the title of the questionnaire and instructions were changed) in which 24 of the 29 student-teachers responded (11 male and 12 female, with one not identifying his/her gender). For qualitative data, he has provided semi-structured interview questions to the critical friend, who interviewed four student-teachers (two male and two female) that were randomly selected. To see whether there was improvement of student engagement in his teaching, he compared the baseline data with the post-intervention data.  Whereas open-ended comments in the questionnaire, interview and observation data were analyzed in order to determine patterns and themes.
After collection of data he found out that if the teachings are taken like before then the product of learners will be same and tradition method of teaching will be following. He has also pointed out that especially in primary classes the teaching is purely teacher dominated where students has no say, meaning purely recipient of the knowledge.
So after reading his research article for several times, I found out he has creatively used almost all the components of the research, however I felt it would have been much more better if he has mention about his competence in research though it was indirectly given in the process of research. He has beautifully panned and used different tools that are both qualitative and quantitative. Indeed I have not found anything about research ethics though he has taken the research with his students and he might have precisely explained this entire ethic to his participants. I felt it is very important to have research ethics very important because participants deserved respect and need to aware of what he is doing.
Finally the researchers who was then currently the dean of the college has done good research in pertinent to Bhutanese education and I really felt it will help all the teachers of the future and present. I would like to recommend my friends teachers to read his research, applied in teaching and have action research conducted like him, which will ultimately bring progress for the Bhutanese education systems. We need to teach the way children learn and not the way we have been learn and taught, moreover these days’ students are very creative and they can learn in their own way just teachers need to be guide and facilitators. We must never underestimate our children, they have their own way of learning and we need to provide them with time and they will come up with good lets change for our bright future for every one and be the change