Hygiene Day
28th May2017, the school observed Menstrual Hygiene Day. MHD, the menstrual
hygiene day is an annually observed day which is aimed to raise awareness about
the importance of managing good menstrual hygiene for women and adolescent
girls. It is also to reduce mental taboos and stress that our young girls are
undergoing during menstruation.
To mark this important
day, the school and health coordinator has invited health staff from nearby BHU
as a guest speaker to give a short talk on menstrual hygiene to our students
(girls). She highlighted on menstruation, menstrual cycle and importance of
hygiene during menstruation. She also educated on how to get rid of menstrual
cramp and used sanitary pad.
program ended successfully with the school health coordinator demonstrating how
to use sanitary pad and also showed short video clip on menstrual hygiene.