Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Survey Questionaire

Recently I have conducted a simple survey about Education system of our country and this are the questions and answers which was given by one of my true colleague Ugyen read and do comments more on it please.

1.      I want your views and your friends’ views on the status of the teachers, students.
I felt as a bridge that connected the goals of the students and students. However, teachers are give low respect and always look down. For example; if someone ask you job and if we reply I am working as teacher. They just say oh! Simply oh! But moment they heard Engineer or other jobs title, they tend to express their deepest thought and excitement. Regarding students they are respected and treated as fair enough as per my knowledge.
2.      Your student’s views on teachers and which types of teachers are considered best by your students.
Regarding my students they shared that if and only teacher treats them with fair enough and had good behavior, approachable, open were considered as best teacher.
3.      Your views for parents in order to lift the child in proper way.
Must know their child, environment is must for child and parent must lead good environment. Give ample of time to be with child. Parent must give advice.
4.      Your students views about their parents and how they expect their parents to help them in studies and in moldering their characters.
If parents could give them ample time to study. Expect love and care with good advice. Always talk to them, ask about their day in the school and must accept the failure they have.
5.      You ask your children and extract the ideas why student’s hates particular teachers.
As I ask my student they replied me that they tend to hates those particular teachers that usually used physical force to teach them. Mostly they said that they hate teachers those do the bias.
6.      How teachers are considering role model by students and others sectors people?
Of course people and students consider as role mole since they use to say that being a teacher must have good and claim behavior. This is my incident usually I don’t keep my hair like the one that our modern boys use to kept. But I thought of changing and keep the one today’s boys used to have. So for a week I kept and after few weeks event my students used to copy the same hair style that I kept. So this incident cleanly shows that teachers are role model.
7.      Why teacher’s workload is heavy and always there is resignation turnover high for teachers?
As per my perception I feel that teachers have to do multi work in a day, forget about the year. Sometime teacher have to be a doctor, carpenter, painter, parents, accountant, and so on… which ultimately cause heavy workload to teachers. (This is work besides teaching). Of course I am not being mean but I felt it is due to low incentives that resignation of teacher turnover high yearly. And other one is the transferred cased. Those how are having a husband and wife of DEO, Dzongda, and other officers who works in the dzong are placed in the town place and others are left unattended. Whereas others are left and give school option to remotes area, which they feel it is not fair and justices.
8.      Why teachers motivation is must for the nation?
Teachers are keys for the nation, because none are considered to be genus without teachers. Therefore, must do something to left the teachers’ motivation.
9.      What do parents expect from teachers and students?
As I have been in school for a year and I learned that parents expect only good result means marks from their students and teachers. But as I thought it is do more than that because the very purpose of coming to school is not only study but to change and build the personality as a human.
10.  Why teacher should love learning and if not how it will hamper our teaching?
All teachers must learn and must love learning because of following reason:
a.       Knowledge will out dated as the world changes
b.      Must learn to teach.
c.       Must practices and carried all skills and strategies to handle different individuals.

11.  How does caring teacher teach?
Following are some of the caring teacher teaches:
  1. Treat the students with respect and as an individual
  2. Helps students if they make mistake
  3. Knows name
  4. Has a sense of humor
  5. Does not take mockery if the students get things wrong
  6. Shows an interest on students and what student do outside the class
  7. Is prepared to acknowledge
  8. Is ready to be flexible and acknowledge mistakes if he makes any
  9. Will let parents know about things students do well
  10. Helps students to feel part of the school
  11. Protect the students right and prevents name calling
  12. Is fair and consistent, treating everyone equally
  13. Is approachable
  14. Believes in students
  1. What are the different pedagogic and difference between you learn before and how you teach these days?
As per my knowledge I really feel difficult the implement all those learnt pedagogic as it is all based of westerners. It hardly fit to our class as our environment are different from theirs. So the very difference is we need to be more creative and innovative as per the situation demands.

  1. Why Education is important? Share your own views?
For me education is a tool that lifts the once life and gear towards the potential person, or it is realization of being uncivilized and move toward potential humanity. Therefore, education is as important as food to be alive and success.

  1. How does your student learn best?
As I experience my students learn more by doing. In way hands on experiences, need more concrete things learn as I believe that learning by doing is powerful tool for the human to learn.

  1. Your views on school autonomy?
I don’t have much idea about this but as per I understand it is one the tools for the improving quality of education. But really sorry I don’t have much idea about this.

  1. What need to improve in our education systems?
I think major change will fall on the systems itself because those are all implement as other westerners piloted to our country. So what if we frame new system based on our environment is what I thought of as of now.

I know Norbu you are disheartened because I have not respond to your questions. Of course it is my entire fault that I proudly accepted without knowing how busy I am. But however I thought it might help little even if I got chance to respond to your question. But because of shortage of teacher (3 teachers only) I have to do all the office works despite teaching. So I left unattended your question. Even though I am sending now thought I might not be so late. Of course I know it is already delay but had little hope that it might not be late, that’s why.

so i am very glad to have him as friend who always take part and help me and still i long for his some more help in my life.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Report on picnic conducted from fund granted byHis Royal Highness Gyaltshab

Report on picnic conducted from fund granted byHis Royal Highness Gyaltshab
Dungkar primary school family is very privileged and honored to have the grace of Gyeltshab, His Royal Highness Prince Jigme Dorji Wangchuck visit on 13th April 2014. So Gyaltshab made his visit to Dungkar Naktsang and halt night at Dungkar, the Gup and people of Kurtoe staff of Dungkar and students of Dungkar Primary school staged a cultural programme to celebrate the visit. So during his arrival at the locality, we felt immensely proud to have his visit and we will never forget such a moment in our life. So Gyaltsab had audience with students and teachers of the school, he interacted with students and gave words of wisdoms and urged students to study and be somebody in future. So more than that, Dungkar primary school is much honored to receive grant of Nu.15000/- as sewlrai from Gyaltsahb. So Gyaltshab gave the cash and urged us to have school picnic with indeed it was a big pride for all of us to have His Royal Highness visit.
So with that cash we had school picnicked on 17th May 2014 in our school. We had grant picnic celebration with that amount and all the students as well as staff are very pleased to have picnicked. So because of his Highness words of wisdom and prayer for the family, everything went well during the picnic time. So we would like to immensely thanked His Royal Highness for granting us the fund for our school. We would also like to wish His Royal Highness peace and prosperity all time.